Who are the Builders of Berkeley?+

The Builders of Berkeley are donors who have given $1 million or more to the campus. The generosity of these leading benefactors has been indispensable to the establishment, growth, evolution, influence, and preeminence of the university, which is why we call them the Builders of Berkeley.

How does someone become a Builder of Berkeley?+

When a donor’s giving reaches $1 million, they are invited to become a Builder of Berkeley and have their name etched on the granite monument honoring the campus’s most generous benefactors.

Can organizations become Builders of Berkeley?+

The Builders of Berkeley program recognizes the philanthropy of people, not organizations, so only the names of people are listed on the Builders monument. Gifts directed through family foundations or other private foundations that are attributed to individuals, however, may be included for Builders recognition. The listing on the monument would honor the individuals or family whose philanthropy funded the foundation.

What gifts count toward becoming a Builder of Berkeley?+

Gifts and pledges count toward the calculation of a donor’s lifetime giving for Builder of Berkeley purposes with a few exceptions. Outstanding Endowed Seating Program commitments and bequest commitments are not included in the calculation of the $1 million Builder threshold.

How does the university recognize Builders of Berkeley?+

The names of Builders of Berkeley are etched on a prominent outdoor monument honoring the leading benefactors to the university since its founding in 1868. Each fall, the university updates the monument with the names of new Builders and honors them in a ceremony that celebrates their extraordinary philanthropy toward UC Berkeley.

Where is the Builders of Berkeley monument?+

The monument, which was dedicated in 2003, is in front of the entrance to Doe Library. Its granite walls face the Doe Library Terrace and Memorial Glade.

How do I find a particular name on the monument?+

Contact Katy Galli-Kreps, executive director of Donor Relations, University Development and Alumni Relations at 510.643.0422 or kbgalli@berkeley.edu.

Learn More

To learn more, contact Katy Galli-Kreps, executive director of Donor Relations, University Development and Alumni Relations at 510.643.0422 or kbgalli@berkeley.edu.